Attention Start-Ups: This Is Why Video Content is Essential to Your Launch

Any entrepreneur with limited resources knows the difficulties associated with bringing a new product or service into an already crowded marketplace. With that said, one of the best ways to stand out from the crowd is by creating a customized, high impact video that shows your audience what your company is all about.

Here is why original video content continues to benefit start-ups on an unprecedented level:

Video Engages Your Core Audience Better Than Any Other Form of Media

The internet is a vast, ever-expanding universe - and with more content and devices than ever before, the attention span of users continues to decline. Start-ups simply can no longer rely on simple text or still images on a static website to connect with their target market and generate buzz.

Before consumers are ready to buy or even talk sales, they need to know exactly what they’re buying into. What is the product? Who is it for? How do I use it? Will it benefit me? Why is it different or better than something else? 

To answer these fundamental questions in a few short paragraphs is simply not enough. What is unknown needs to be shown. And the best, most practical and far reaching means to convey such information is by creating and integrating a custom ‘explainer’ video into your launch strategy. 

Every start-up comes a long way to reach the crucial point of launching their product, which is why a slick, engaging video that connects users to the brand is absolutely essential in making a lasting impression.

Customized Content Strengthens Your Connection with Target Consumers

A video has the ability to capture the heart and soul of your product like nothing else can, but it’s also a powerful means for introducing your company’s culture and personality to prospective customers. Beyond explaining what you’ve created, video gives viewers insight into the people responsible for creating the product.

For example your video might showcase your company’s fun and playful nature with a creative ‘how-to’ animation for your product. Or alternatively you might opt to create a documentary style showpiece that is designed to deliver a broad and powerful message. Narrative style branded content films can touch on the emotion behind your brand, while more traditional corporate spots might showcase company directors to give the audience an authentic sense of who is the driving force behind the brand.

No matter what format is most appropriate for your brand, there is no denying that a well produced, strategically executed video is amongst the most effective ways to solicit an engaged audience, and trigger an array of emotional responses. Viewers may tune in to simply learn more about a new product or service, but will inevitably also gain valuable insight about the company behind it, leading them to develop a sense of brand attachment.

High Concept Videos Will Dramatically Increase Your Online Visibility

Thanks to numerous studies over the years, it’s now widely known that customers respond far more favorably to video content than any other form of online media, including still images, infographics and basic text.

The bottom line is that an impeccably crafted, emotionally relevant video will improve your online visibility in a way that is simply unmatched by any other format. Video content is far more absorbable than any other form of media, which is also why it has such tremendous potential to prompt an actionable response. 

Additionally, nearly every major search engine now has an obvious bias toward video content in search rankings. Because of this, startups that are utilizing marketable video content on their websites can actually compete with, or even outrank, much larger corporations with less dynamic content offerings.

Our company has experienced first-hand the tremendous impact that a highly strategic, well-produced video has on start-ups seeking an effective launch. While targeted video content can benefit businesses at nearly any stage, start-ups often benefit the most from the broad awareness and instant audience connection that is made possible by the use of original and engaging videos.

If you’re interested in creating customized video content to generate recognition for your new product, our team would love to learn more about what you’re hoping to achieve. We welcome any opportunity to discuss our effective strategies and your options with you!

Be sure to contact us any time by e-mail at for more info.